
Years ago, we made a choice to be different; to push the boundaries of what a restaurant can be. Inspired by our customers, we tried new things. Some of them worked, some of them didn’t. These successes, and failures, have made us who we are today. You see, we aren’t perfect and would never claim to be. The reality is that we make mistakes, lots of them. But we don’t let mistakes get us down. Instead, we use them to teach us and motivate us to be better. Better leaders. Better workers. Better people. Why? Because we actually do care about giving our guests exactly what they want – yesterday, today, and tomorrow -and we believe that with creativity, attention, and passion, our work will lead to an experience that brings customers back by the dozens, by the hundreds, by the thousands…and, maybe one day, by the millions. We’ll see.

Food is what we do. It is what we stand behind. It is what defines us. We strive to provide our customers with the unexpected. To surprise the palate with every bite. Every ingredient has a purpose, a meaning and, when combined, results in bold and addictive flavors that can only be described as “inspired”. It’s about choice… a true variety of options that matter so that at the end of the day, we satisfy stomachs of all colors, shapes, and sizes. It is what makes us different. Not every option is for every body. We know that. Keep exploring. Your vice is on our menu, unless you don’t like food. But you do. This is good food to the core. Enjoy.

When we choose a location, we know what was there before we were. So do others. People have memories. Why ask people to forget? Instead, why not work with the materials and natural character of the people and businesses who came before us? Why not share the past by revealing and often uncovering the unique, core aspects of all of our restaurant spaces… old brick, original flooring, decorated columns, and detailed ceilings. Even our Sean Boyce artwork often merges the past and present of each individual location. And what about when we have to add? Well, you’ll probably be pleased with the kinds of materials we choose. Materials that fit the neighborhood. That match the flavor of the community. Because there are some pretty amazing ways to make the past a part of what we offer today. Next time you drop by, take a look around. You never know what you might see…